Powerful Customer Onboarding Product Features

Get What It Takes to Deliver Value to Clients Faster

woman looking at calendar on computer

Time Tracking & Resource Management

Tackle inefficiencies to increase productivity.

hand holding a phone looking a computer both showing graphs

Process Automation

Scale onboarding and increase the bandwidth through intelligent automation.

hand drawing on window with red and black markers

Project & Task Management

Streamline workflows to reduce time to value in your customer onboarding.

person working in a car dealership on laptop

Advanced Reporting

Empower your onboarding teams through data.

Two people sitting at a table, working on laptops while one guy is standing and looking at them.

Communication Tools

Ensure accountability through streamlined communication outreach and collaboration.

Two females and a male looking at a computer

Customer Engagement Portal

Increase external engagement through a simplified experience.

Training and Services


Free Onboarding Training Sessions


Live Chat Support


Designated Customer
Success Manager

new hire

New-Hire Training Sessions


Phone Support


Business Reviews

GUIDEcx Empowers Our Customers To Realize:


Reduction in Onboarding Time


Increase in Project Manager Capacity


Fewer Onboarding Meetings


On-time Delivery Rate when 5+ Users are Invited

Powerful, Purposeful, Seamless Integrations

We GUIDE The World’s Leading Brands:

Talk With a Guide Today

Discover how GUIDEcx can help you improve efficiency by reducing your customer onboarding timeline and increasing the capacity of your project managers. Our unparalleled professional resources and unwavering commitment to excellence support our industry-leading customer onboarding solution.

Line Image of a 4 person trail mountaineering-team